Girdwood Yellow Pages
Girdwood Services for Girdwood Residents
The Girdwood Yellow Pages is a community service project to help residents find services within Girdwood. To often people need a service like a plumber, dog sitter or music teacher and the only way to find somebody is through the Girdwood Facebook Groups. Unfortunately, the posts are hard to find days or even weeks later.
Now, people can advertise their speciality with a phone number and website for the extremely low price of $30 per year on our website. BUY YELLOW PAGE LISTING
The low cost offer is not for those businesses that cater to tourists. It’s for those businesses that visitors don’t need or even look for when visiting Girdwood such as landscaping, cleaning, and fitness classes.
If you have a business that has a store front or caters to visitors and you want to be in the Yellow Pages, then becoming a full-fledge member is the best option. This will get you into the Yellow Pages, a web listing on our website, and added to the Business Directory in our printed Brochure Map.
For more information, please email: